Thursday, October 13, 2011

CH 12 The Age of Religious Wars

Reading Schedule:

Monday October 17, 2011 pgs 389-395 Renewed Religious Struggle
The French Wars of Religion

Wednesday October 19, 2011 pgs. 395-404 Imperial Spain and the Reign of Philip II
England and Spain

Friday October 21, 2011 pgs. 404-415 The Thirty Years' War
In Perspective
Art and The West

Assignment on Notes will be forthcoming.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Reading Schedule and Assignments

Since we have the textbook now most of your reading should be done at home but I will have you bring the textbook this week to class. We are behind so some chapters I may assign individual or as group assignments. For Chapter 11 everyone should be taking individual notes which will be for a grade.

Please start with CH 11 The Age of Reformation:

Mon 10/03/11 Read and Take Notes (preferably Cornell Note style)pgs 354-366
Society and Religion
Martin Luther and German Reformation to 1525
The Reformation Elsewhere

Wed 10/05/11 Read and Take Notes pgs. 366-373
Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation
The English Reformation to 1553
Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation

Fri 10/07/11 Read and Take Notes pgs. 374-384
The Social Significance of the Reformation in Western Europe
Family Life in Early Modern Europe
Literary Imagination in Transition
In Perspective